Female, Professor, Doctoral Advisor, Head of the Department
PhD in Law from Jilin University
PhD in Management from Chosun University
Research Interests:
Northeast Asian Regional Security and Cooperation, Maritime Security, Korean Peninsula Issues
Research Grants:
2016-2019, National Social Science Fund: Asia-Pacific Region’s Cognition of US Navigation Freedom Policy and China's Coping Strategies (16BGJ044)
2015-2017, Jilin University Science and Technology Frontier and Interdisciplinary Innovation Project: Recent Changes in ROK’s Maritime Strategy and Its Impact on the Security of Surrounding Waters (2015QY002)
2015-2016, National Marine Information Center: Tracking of Research Trends and Analysis of Related Documents concerning Japan-Korea Disputed Island
2014-2016, Shanghai Institute of American Studies: US/Asia-Pacific National Maritime Strategy Research
2013-2014, Jilin University Fund: Analysis of Changes in Domestic and Foreign Economic Policies of DPRK and the Role of China and ROK
2009-2013, Jilin Provincial Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Project: Northeast Asian Nuclear and Harmony Issues
Selected Publications:
Maritime Strategy of South Korea, Current Affairs Press, 2016.
CSSCI Journal Articles
Li Xuewei & Zhao Lianxue, “日本主流报刊媒体的“一带一路”报道变化分析——以《日本经济新闻》《读卖新闻》为例”[An Analysis of the Changes in JapaneseMainstream Media’s Report of the “Belt and Road”—Taking “Nihon Keizai Shimbun” and “Yomiuri Shimbun” as an Example], Contemporary Economy of Japan, no.05, 2018, pp.39-51.
“韩国海权观:力的谋求与逻辑转换”[South Korea's Sea Power View: A Pursuit of Power and A Logic Transformation], Northeast Asia Forum, no.02, 2018, pp. 91-103+128.
Li Xuewei & Wang Xiaolu, “美韩同盟新拓展:网络空间安全合作”[New Expansion of the US-ROK Alliance: Cyberspace Security Cooperation], Northeast Asia Forum, no.04, 2015, pp. 116-126+128.
“战略灵活:朴槿惠政府对朝政策重塑”[Strategic Flexibility: Park Geun-hye Administration Reshapes the DPRK Policy], Northeast Asia Forum, no.06, 2014, pp. 93-104+126.
“新贸易环境下中韩FTA促进战略评析”[Evaluation of China-ROK FTA Promotion Strategy under the New Trade Environment], Northeast Asia Forum, no.03, 2013,pp. 62-71+128.
“韩流汉风:中韩文化交流之因由与深化”[South Korean Fad and Chinese Style: Reasons and Deepening of Sino-Korean Cultural Exchange], Qiu Suo, no.06, 2011, pp.73-75.
“韩国对朝政策转变及李明博政府对朝政策走向”[The Change of ROK’s Policy towards DPRK and the Trend of the Lee Myung-bak Administration’s DPRK Policy], Social Science Front, no.12, 2009, pp.213-216.
“中韩合作解决朝核问题的战略进路”[China-ROK Strategic Cooperation to Solve the DPRK Nuclear Issue], Pacific Journal, no.11, 2008, pp.38-46.
“韩国政府的对内政策及其对朝政策影响”[Impact of ROK’s Internal Policy on Its Policy towards DPRK], Journal of Capital Normal University (Social Sciences Edition), no.03, 2008, pp.116-120.
2018, Second Prize of the 14th Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science in Shanghai
Email: lixuewei7@sina.com