Male, Professor
Education Background:
Ph.D. 2006-2011, The Academy of Korean Studies, Major in International Relations
M.A. 2001-2004, Seoul National University, Major in International Relations
B.A. 1992-1996, Jilin University, Major in World History
Research Interests:
International Politics concerning Korean Peninsula, China-Korean Relations, Northeast Asian Security Issues
Introduction of South Korea, China-ROK Relations, Intermediate Korean Language, South Korean Studies
Research Grants:
2016-2018, Shandong Provincial Social Science Planning Project: South Korea’s Diplomatic Security Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era
2013-2015, Ministry of Education Project: South Korea’s Concept of Multilateral Security Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Era
2011-2013, Shandong University at Weihai Fund: Current Situation of the Korean Peninsula and the Trend of the Six-Party Talks
Selected Publications:
《朝鲜半岛和平与多边安全合作构想——韩国与中国的立场》[The Conception of Peace and Multilateral Security Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula—The Stand of South Korea and China], 景仁文化社[Jingren Culture Press], 2014.
CSSCI Journal Articles
“调整中的美韩同盟:发展历程、强化动因及其挑战”[The US-South Korea Alliance in Adjustment: Development Process, Motivation and Challenges], The Chinese Journal of American Studies, no.01, 2018, pp. 83-102+6-7.
“韩国实践多边安全战略的’得’与’失’——以六方会谈为例”[The “Win” and “Lose” of ROK’s Multilateral Security Strategy—A Case Study of the Six-Party Talks], Forum of World Economics & Politics, no.05, 2016, pp.65-80.
“朝核威胁“常态化”下的朝韩关系困境与出路”[The Dilemma and Solution of the DPRK-ROK Relationship under the “Normalization” of the DPRK Nuclear Threat],Contemporary World and Socialism, no.03, 2016, pp.161-167.
“深化中韩战略合作伙伴关系的空间、挑战及应对”[The Space, Challenges and Countermeasures for Deepening China-South Korea Strategic Partnership],Northeast Asia Forum, no.02, 2015, pp. 116-126+128.
“朝韩对交叉承认构想的立场及其演变”[The Position of the ROK and DPRK on the Concept of Cross-Recognition and Its Evolution], Collected Papers of History Studies, no.02, 2014, pp. 109-114+121.
“朴槿惠政府对朝政策的现实与超越”[The Reality and Transcendence of Park Geun-hye Administration’s Policy toward the DPRK], Forum of World Economics &Politics, no.01, 2014, pp.59-69.
“朝核问题困境与应对方向”[The Dilemma and Countermeasures of the DPRK Nuclear Issue], Forum of World Economics & Politics, no.05, 2013, pp.67-81.
Email: biyingda@sdu.edu.cn; biyingda@hanmail.net